Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shadow spectres, part 1

From here:

Post 1;

I somehow see myself using the haywire launcher for the exarch. Also, I think prism lance could do with being small blast, and ghost light being large blast. THEN they would be reaaaaally scary.
Post 2;

You're thinking in terms of a squad of 5 when a squad of 3 is just as effective, smaller ergo harder to hit, cheaper and only 1 less strength.

Personally since they're a permission-for-use unit I'll just ask my opponent if I can field them as a fast attack option. Simplify things for everyone. They really should not be in HS or elites. We need more core troops/FA desperately.
Post 3;

Highly depends.. bonus FDs have is multiple +2d6 shots.. negative is needing to get close enough to do that.
Spectres have range on their side, and are basically a multi-wound fireprism with an invulnerable save (fortune up lol... 75% survival armour save and 50% survival rate invl) but are kinda iffy deployment and a bit slow.

In thinking of their deployment.. the prevalence of things to now ignore the mishap table or have reduced scatter might be either a cure to the symptom of 5e (lots more terrain everywhere) or a sign of what 6e will hold (generally more reliable deployment options, lots more LOS blocking terrain).
Post 4;

No it doesn't matter. So long as ghostlight is used then the shot counts as a lance hit. So an exarch with special cannon +2 guys is a 36" s9Ap2 hit that that can reroll shots.

Now let's see.. that altogether costs 3x35+12+10+15=142. To get the same from a fireprism you'd need the fireprism as a base + a farseer who has guide. So that's 200 minimum, more for gadgets. Then you have the logisitical issues of having a farseer to babysit a fireprism, the fact that guide only rerolls the scatter dice, not the distance scattered (so if your shot scatters 7" and you go for reroll there's only a 33% chance it will successfully hit, or combined total 53% chance to direct hit) but also the fact that a fireprism can be destroyed outright by S7 hit. And it's a bigger target. And it won't get coversaves most of the time. And it has no invulnerable save.

As flickerfields are demonstrating a 5+ invulnerable is PRICELESS. With fortune rerolling that value goes up even higher.
Post 5;

I don't think you'd want to run a warphunter tandem to a nightspinner. I've got a thought surfacing here...

Ok so if you run a nightspinner you are intending to control movement. If you run a warphunter you are intending for maximum killing power over a given area or against a given target.
So really it's the tank you choose that determines how the spectres are used, or if they're even used at all.

Nightspinner: Perfect combo for spectres. Controlling movement of large-tanks and/or their contents is invaluable. The nightspinner exists to protect the spectres from assault squads. The nightspinner dual purposes by pinning transports in place to that spectres can get the side-armour shot.

In my mind spectres are like a fireprism for a given number of models. As I explained earlier in the thread, for 3 models you get a s9 lance that rerolls. You'd need another 60-90pts for the same from a prism.

Warphunter: The warphunter is the opposite to the nightspinner. Since you aren't gaining any control over your opponents movement your top priority becomes maximising the number of times you can fire that flamer template. For this I would run a warp hunter with either 2 squads of warwalkers, or 2 fireprisms. Multiple targets with similar threat thresholds means that your opponent will be sinking shots into units he can't really prioritise that well. Running a warphunter behind a pair of waveserpents would be pretty clever as well since LOS becomes an issue, warphunter cracks open the rhinos (or whatever) and then your waveserpents dump their hot gooey loads all over their contents.

That's the gist of it anyway.

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