Friday, January 21, 2011

Dark reapers, the complete edition

From thread;

Post 1;

First question; are these guys worth 35pts a piece? No not really. 30 would be more reasonable considering the penalties they have.
Second question; is there a unit that does what these guys do, but better? Yes. Devestators are cheaper, can take more heavy weapons and at greater variety. Largely similar statlines too.
Third question; What is a reasonable way to improve the dark reaper? Allow the regular members to select other heavy weapons, for instance EML and shuriken cannon. Allow the exarch to select ALL heavy weapons.
Post 2;

Thinking of the warpspider discussion and how I would add rending to many weapons...

10 Dark Reapers, each of them armed with a scatterlaser (that rends. Why? Because shurikannon is s6 ap4 but scatter is s6ap6 so give it rending) and then make fast-shot apply to the whole squad. Suddenly you have 50+ s6 rending hits coming downstream @36".

I'd pay 400pts for that. Yes plz.
Post 3;

If it were up to me... scorpions would be troops, dark reapers would be elites and falcon would be fast attack.. but that's just me.
Post 4;

We're talking about a 16pt troop that's slow and can only take 1 power weapon. Yea sure they put out a lot of hits but consider this; they aren't popular now, why would they be popular as a troops choice in their current incarnation? I still think DA would edge out ahead for cost efficiency and usefulness. The best thing you'd use SS for is infiltrating onto an objective and being a big pain in the ass for basic troops.
Post 5;

Warwalkers are cheaper and can carry more net heavy weapons. While it's a good idea I've since come to accept that we always had a devastator unit, which is the warwalkers. Now supposing that they all work like death jesters or something, or even closer to Maugan Ra (who really is a lot more like a death Jester than a darkreaper when you think about it). I like the premise of darkreapers but I'm not sure they can be salvaged in their current incarnation.

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