Wednesday, May 13, 2015

 Another extract from 4chan debates. Another example of the community being in the wrong. I've attempted to differentiate different speakers with different colours. My text will be black/white. Red as always is my in-editing stuff.

Here's a pure fun list for a minor tourney.
I already cleared with the TO that I can use my Knight Errants/Paladins as Knight Gallants as long as I fix some obvious melee weapons to the barrel of the guns.

Exalted Court OR Baronial Court

- Knight Lancer (430)
Warlord, Helm of the Nameless Warrior

- Knight Gallant (325)

- Knight Gallant (325)

- Knight Gallant (325)

- Knight Gallant (325)


"pure fun list

5 Knights

I don't think anyones gonna have fun playing against you with 5 knights you massive twat"

S5/S6 shots can score glancing or penetrating hits on most vehicles in 40k.

What game are you playing? Land of Landraiders? No seriously tell me how you arrived at this conclusion I'm super curious because I've managed to annhilate almost every opponent I've ever had. I normally win via tabling in turn 6 so I have a seriously hard time believing you really think s5/s6 won't kill your vehicles.

I'd like to interject myself here and remind everyone that with the old 4th edition codex the ONLY priority an eldar player had was to maximise the number of S6 shots they had. This meant copy-paste lists with the infamous 'DA tax' that allowed you take another waveserpent with TL scatter lasers and underslung shuriken cannon. While that's somewhat no longer relevant these old school lists would probably make modern players shit their pants what with bladestorm now being a thing and eldar thus having a very very strong 24"-36" S6 representation. Entire armies would evapourate under 200+ S6 hits a turn. At 2000 points.

That's great, but Knights are AV13/13/12, with 6 HP and a 4+ Invulnerable save on one facing each turn. Individually they're far from unmanagable, but unless you've had advance warning and know to pack your list with loads of anti-tank weapons, a whole army of the things can make for a very lopsided game.

are imperial knights the new boogey men or something?

If the army is pants-on-head OP that's not my problem because I didn't design them and nothing forces me to play with people using them. I don't list tailor and unless knights can't get 1h1k shot then you still only need 1 good hit to bring them down.

It's not commonly known but 40k does actually express a mostly balanced game environment. Win/loss ratios for armies sit mostly in the 40-55% range. If knights are OP today that could be an expression of players not knowing how to deal with them or it could be an expression of GW's corporate cynicism leaking through again.

Did they update all the codexes to validate renewals of their patents? Did they update them to make the game balanced? Does the update provide motivation to play more armies? Did the update scheme provide them a justification to play the oopsie card when they release cash grab shit like $800 for some special rules.

Being skeptical of GW's business decisions isn't scare mongering; it's sensible. By moving to a more frequent update schedule they directly impact their bottom line. It also allows them to fiddle with balance more frequently and thus cause spergs and netlisters to impulse buy more shit.

This. I used the word 'lopsided' for a reason.

Also, an army that's balanced to play against is not necessarily an army that's fun to play against. Playing against an army that effectively reduces your own force to ~20 models capable of dealing damage and a host of ablative wounds can leave a bad taste in some peoples' mouths, regardless of whether they win or lose.

And this has exactly what to do with my original proclamation that s5/s6 is a useful and underutilised source of damage in 40k?

With rending I have used reavers to kill landraiders and a baneblade. How much fun you get out of something is entirely subjective and I'm not interested in debating a point like that.

You can even kill knights with assault cannons if that's your flavour. There's a metric fuckload of options to use in killing anything with an armour score but people fixate on reliably doing it in 2 turns or less which is not what a balanced game of 40k is ever going to allow.

I would instead focus on disabling their ability to shoot via any special weapon that can affect them.

The most salient point being: don't play with people you don't have fun playing against.
If you play in tournaments then suck it up you get what you came for.

Scaremongering, browbeating and obstinate behavious are the hallmark of the bad community. This is just a small slice of the hypocrisy and ignorance that permeates the hobby. People treating things like codexes as the word of god, that finding GW releasing codexes which are overpowered as being examples of how dumb you are and how bad that game is is a really interesting if tiresome thing to see. How balanced and 'fun' would it be if every weapon you packed could kill a mini-titan? People cheesing with pure knight lists will eventually get their just desserts - noone will want to play them. It's social darwinism in effect here, if the knight codex is truly as game breaking as people suggest then eventually knights will kill off their own prey because they were too effective. GW shouldn't let that happen obviously because it's bad for their game but with rumours abound about them clamouring for quick cash who even knows.

The new admech models had probably been in design and engineering stages for years now, having done injection moulding shit before I can pretty much guarantee what we're seeing now is only the last 5% of GWs corporate venture in releasing this model range.  

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